Top 20 things to buy a Prepper for Christmas!

Welcome to “The Prepping Academy.” The upcoming Show for Friday November 25, 2016 is going to be a show you don’t want to miss. It’s that time of year again. The holiday chaos, food, family, road rage, and the one question that plagues us all: what do you buy for the Prepper who has everything? We’ll also be getting some tips from Kyle on how to survive the holiday madness.

It’s incredibly difficult shopping for preppers. Mainly because we’re already so self sufficient and stay on top of new items to make our lives easier. So this Friday we’ll be discussing Forrest and Kyle’a top 10 choices for prepper Christmas gift ideas. That will include items for all ages and expertise levels. Everything from shelter, gadgets, weapons, and some reading material suggestions.

If that’s not enough Forrest and Kyle will also be discussing recent warnings from the FBI about remaining vigilant during this holiday season. What does that exactly mean? Are ISIS or other domestic terror groups really planning to attack us over the holidays? If so, what should you do to be prepared? That will be discussed on Friday’s show.

Now obviously it wouldn’t be a full hour of “The Prepping Academy” without Kyle’s conspiracy of the week. This week we’re going to be discussing a strange phenomenon sweeping the globe and being discussed by conspiracy theorist, history buffs, and religious scholars. What could it possibly be? We’ll be discussing Planet X. That’s right. The infamous Nibiru. How serious of a threat is it? When is it even supposed to arrive? All things to be covered by Kyle on Friday.


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