Tune in as Forrest and Kyle continue with their “Intro To Prepping 101” series. This week they will cover days 60 to 120 in a new preppers journey. Please listen to last week’s podcast for class one, the first 60 days. This series covers items to purchase, skills training and mindset.
Intro To Prepping 101 will provide a broad overview of topics related to food, water, heat, shelter, defense, and self-preservation. Taking the time to develop your plans and preparations unique to your needs now will reduce your everyday stress and increase your ability to not only sustain and thrive, but also help others. This class is a twelve hour course the Academy offers to both beginner and experienced Preppers. It will take someone through a step-by-step process to become a well-prepared prepper.
Though “Intro To Prepping 101” is skill and gear focused, we at the Prepper Academy believe mindset is paramount. Without the proper mindset many would be Preppers will find themselves overwhelmed, paranoid, and potentially a danger to others. That is the last thing we want to see happen. Prepping is about community and mutually assured survival. We’ll be covering that much more in depth in the near future.
Each segment will cover two months of training. It’s done this way to help Preppers on tight budgets as well as not overwhelm newcomers. We help guide people towards what they should purchase, what skills they need to learn, and how one can prepare their mindset. Forrest and Kyle will be discussing class two while taking questions via phone and the chat room live!
Signed up for “The Prepping Academy” newsletter at preppingacademy.com. The Prepping Academy Radio Show is LIVE every Friday Night at 9PM EST at http://prepperbroadcasting.com